Yoga is resilience, it is nurturing!Yoga is a way of aligning your mind, body, and soul in one direction and letting the energy of your body to get channelized through your system in equanimity. As alluring it is and brings flexibility to your body, it is also a profound way of revitalizing and building a bond with your partner. As this is a way of communicating, it is not an arduous task to create a sense of intimacy and bond between you & your partner, or between any two people. Also, performing yoga helps in reducing stress. Here are different yoga poses, which instate the spark and align the energies of people together. So let’s read through the top 10 advanced yoga poses, which can be tried out with your partner. Read below:
1. Ardha Matsyendrasana or Seated Twist Pose
Ardha Matsyendrasana is among the fun poses, which are used to mirror each other’s pose. For performing this pose, you and your partner are supposed to sit cross-legged with your backs facing each other. Begin with inhaling and reach your hands above your head and on exhaling turn to your right.

Later, bring your left hand outside of your right knee and right hand inside of your partner’s left knee. Stay in the same position until 5 to 7 breaths and repeat the same on the next side.
2. Dog and Warrior Pose
This is a fun partner pose but also it’s no less challenging. The pose goes this way – one among you both will begin with downward dog poster and form a three-legged dog pose. On the other hand, your partner will stand in the front with the reverse warrior pose.

Dog and Warrior Pose
The benefits of this pose helps in stretching trying to reach one another. The one in the warrior pose must pull the other in three-legged dog pose gently while the other will pull on the arms of the warrior. You can both swap your positions too. In between, you can rest for taking a few breaths. For more expertise, one can learn from different yoga centres in India.
3. Vrishchikasana or Scorpion Pose
If you both are lovers of adventure and exploring new facets, then this Vrishchikasana is one ideal asana for you. Not only is it fun performing, but also renders one the perfect support and balance. Your partner will begin with down dog pose and you will keep your hands behind with your body supporting her back.

After this, slowly start to lift your legs and bend them behind you. Though you may get the support of your partner’s body, you may face the challenge of your weight. It will render your grace, flexibility and lot of endurance.
4. Adho Mukha Virasana or Downward Facing Hero Pose
A great pose to deepen the connection with your partner, this is done by sitting facing each other and the inner thighs and kneecaps touching one another. Now slowly lean forward with your back straight and place the palm open on each other’s thigh. Now press each other’s thigh and look straight into their eyes. Try to sync your breath with one another.
5. Tree Pose with Partner
From improving balance to building a connection and sense of trust, this pose is extremely beneficial. Raise the inside of your arms facing each other but do not glide away from the ears. Ensure to balance evenly by not putting extra pressure of weight on your partner; and now, lift your outside foot into a tree and stand in unison for 3 to 5 minutes.

6.Double Boat Pose
This is one great asana for building communication, trust and channelling energies in one direction. Begin with facing your partner with knees bent and feet lay straight on the mat with toes touching your partner’s. Hold each other’s hand and now slowly lean back while still holding the hands.

Now touch each other’s foot and pressing the soles. Further, engage your belly button and raise your spine tall in unison making a boat pose. It is great for building core muscles, relieving stress and building hip flexors.
7. Forward Fold Leaning Standing Reverse to Each Other
Stand straight facing away from your partner. Keep your heels at a distance of 6” from one another. Ensure not to touch each other’s heels and now fold forward while facing each other’s back. Further, reach for your hands behind your legs and hold your partner’s sheen. It is a great yoga posture to perform together and an excellent technique to build trust on one another without the fear of falling.
8. Extended Side Angle Pose
In comparison to reverse warrior, this yoga posture aids in gaining extra length without sacrificing the force on the lower spine. For this, you begin by facing one another keep the same foot as that of your partner’s forward. Now extend your arms ahead with your fingertips touching one another. Without changing your position now hold your front palm on the mat inside of the front foot and reach your arm overhead and move your torso slowly.
9. Wide-Legged Standing Pose with Hands Held Together and Forward Fold
If you are unable to fold forward and touch your feet, it will still be possible with your partner present for your assistance. Begin with standing straight and now fall completely forward taking hold of each other’s feet. Not only does this yoga aid in building flexibility but also aids in strengthening the bond of trust between the partners.

10. Fold forward in Sitting Pose
Stand with facing your partner and feet as well as hips apart from one another and backs touching the heels. Now catch hold of your partner’s hand and gently lean forward pulling away from one another. For these benefits to render you more flexibility, open your throat and heart chakra as well as building good communication.

Connection on Physical and Mental level is a great way to channelize each other’s energy in one path. With time, there are many advanced acro yoga poses and contemporary asanas, which aid in opening chakras, calming the mind, building flexibility and strength. On the mental level, these asanas help in building a connection, trust and a sense of oneness, which can be explored and experienced together.