Today’s busy world and hectic schedule compel almost everybody to remain in stress and tension. We try wine, ice-cream, cookies, crystals and so many such unhealthy things for stress relief and mental peace. But believe me, yoga is the best stress management tool. There are different yoga poses, and advanced yoga poses that have an ability to help us to remove stress and tension. If you can do perfect yoga poses for stress and anxiety, then that yoga poses will work like magic. This article will discuss the top 10 Yogas for stress and depression. Also, one can learn yoga from top yoga centres in India to excel at it.
1. Sukhasana
Sukhasana will help you to feel calm & peace in your mind & body, because this yoga pose relaxes your brain, and helps all the stress & anxiety to leave your body.

Sit erect and cross your legs so that shins are crossed, each foot is under the knee and knees are bent. Put your right shin in front. Then bend forward slightly. Take five breaths. Keeping your hands on the floor put your legs into a standing forward bend.
2. Garudasana
Garudasana needs full concentration, and therefore, this asana is an excellent tension management tool. As Garudasana requires you to focus your mind to a single point, it has some amazing benefits. This pose helps to free up hips and shoulders where emotional tension is being accumulated. First bending your knees, lift your right leg over left leg, maintaining the balance of the body! The left thigh must be over the right thigh.

Balance the body on the left leg. Next, keep the arms parallel to the floor, and put the left arm over the right arm. Now, bend the elbows keeping the forearms perpendicular to the floor. Wrap the right forearm around the left forearm. Keeping the spine erect, focus your mind to a single point, which is 4-5 feet away. Stay in this pose for 20 seconds.
3. Uttanasana
There are great health benefits of Uttanasana. Uttanasana helps to increase blood circulation in the upper body. Besides that this pose removes anxiety and tension. Those who follow a hectic schedule and busy life get benefits from this asana. Relax the body in a standing position. Exhale, and from the standing position, slowly bend down from the hips, and put your stomach & chest on the thighs.

A beginner may bend the knees slightly to do this asana. Bend till your hands touch your legs. Straighten your hips. Put the palm of your hands by the side of your feet. Touch your forehead to the knees. Stay at this position for a few seconds.
4. Balasana
The amazing benefits of Balasana are that this pose strengthens hips muscles, removes stress and depression, cures back pain and stimulates blood circulation. First, sit on knees. Buttocks must touch your heels.

Keep your palms on thighs. Exhale slowly and touch your chest to the place in between knees. Move your hands forward and touch the floor. Breathe gently, and stay at this position for 2 minutes.
5. Vajrasana
Vajrasana not only helps in digestion but also helps in relieving stress, tension, anxiety and depression. This asana has a calming effect on the mind. Sit erect on knees. Buttocks must touch your heels. Crossing the hands in front of the chest; put the arms at the underarms. Breathe gently and stay for 5 minutes.

Take at least 8-10 breaths and feel how quickly your mind calms down. You may also sit crossing your legs instead of sitting on the knees.
6. Sputa Baddha Konasana
Sputa Baddha Konasana helps to free up the hips, thighs and groin, where all the tension accumulates. This pose relieves your tension, and so is suitable for busy people. Lie down on the floor in savasana pose. Put your feet together and knees outside.

You may use yoga blocks to keep them under your knees. Keep one hand on the heart and another hand on the belly. This placement of hands creates a soothing connection with you. Stay at this position for few seconds
7. Paschimottanasana
Paschimottanasana is an effective yoga pose that burns belly fat. This asana is good for the health of spinal nerves. Additionally, this asana relieves stress, tension and depression. Now, you have to sit on the floor, and then, stretch the legs forwardly.

Put your toes together. Lift your hands overhead and bend forward and exhale. Bend till your nose touches your knees and your fingers touch your toes. Stay at this position for 5 seconds. Inhale and come back to the starting position.
8. Salamba Sirsasana
The most important health benefit of Salamba Sirsasana is that it relieves stress and tension. Additionally, this asana increases blood circulation in the eyes, head, and also helps digestion. First, kneel down on the floor and put your forearms on the floor. Your elbows must be shoulder-width apart.

Put your upper arms outward, and press your wrists on the floor. Put the crown of the head on the floor. Inhale and raise your knees. Lift your heels, thighs to make your body inverted ‘V’ shape. Exhale and lift your both feet together from the floor. Put the legs perpendicular to the floor. Your heels must be towards the ceiling. Your body weight will be balanced on the forearms.
9. Savasana
Savasana relieves your stress and tension. It is also helpful for the nervous system. Lie on the floor with your eyes closed. Put your arms by your sides and palms must be placed facing up. Your ankles must be placed outward. With each breath, your body will melt deeper into the mat.

10. Marjaryasana
Marjaryasana activates the adrenal glands, pancreas and strengthens arms & shoulders, and relieves stress. Place the knees directly below your hips. Wrists, elbows and shoulders must be in the same line. Look at the yoga mat. Exhale and round the spine. Stay at this position for few seconds.

If you practice these above-mentioned yogas for stress relief, you will not be in a constant state of anxiety. But you must follow the root chakra yoga sequence to get the best results.