Functional Ability
Ability to meet the basic needs of human beings
Thinking ability – to make decisions
Flexible and be mobile
Ability to build and maintain relationships
Contribute to society.
Basically, healthy ageing is all about growing old but in a healthier way. Considering the lifestyle of the modern generation and bad eating habits, people are prone to many different diseases in their early 50s. With the growing awareness of the impact of unhealthy life among the youth has made them health conscious. Today’s youth believe in taking precautions beforehand and avoid risks rather than curing the health problems later on.
Our research studies have come up with the top 10 easy ways of healthy ageing for you ready on the plate. The decision is all yours whether to follow the below easy ways or continue living the existing junk life that is there on your plate.
1. Live An Energetic And Active Life
It is a myth that people who regularly attend Gym has an active life. The concept is to live an active life, the activity can be performed not only by attending the gym, but there are also many sports like football, cricket, basketball, tennis, and many others that will make you fit and active. For that matter housewives performing physical activity in their routine life is a part of living an active life. Practice yoga or cross fit or meditation along with other physical activity.

Key Points – The key is to stay active, so you can pursue something that you enjoy. For instance, swimming, jogging through nature, aerobics, dance, Zumba or something of your choice. Before you decide on the activity ensure that activity will help you build or maintain your stamina, helps in muscle strengthing and major physical activity is involved. If you are already suffering from any specific health issues, then do consult your doctor first in that scenario.
2. Consume Healthy Food
Let me shower you with the facts, that most of us consume a double quantity of sodium in comparison to the recommended daily consumption by food diet experts. Sodium is the major cause of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. We consume all pre-packed junk foods that consist of Sodium in higher proportion.
For you we have designed some tips & diet to lose weight for healthy ageing:

Your meals should be high on fibre, starch, and carbohydrates – whole wheat, brown rice, 1 starchy food with each main meal.
Consume more that grows on trees – fruits and vegetables
Add more vitamins and minerals to your meal – at least two portions of fish a week – rich in omega3
Get rid of saturated fat and sugar – 30g of saturated fat can be consumed by men and 20g of saturated fat can be consumed by women on a daily basis.
Say Big No To Butter, Cream, Cakes, Biscuits, Pie, Ice-creams, Sausages, Fatty Cuts of Meat
Eat less salt – as discussed above, recommended limit as 6g max of salt per day.
Keep yourselves hydrated throughout the day and do not skip your breakfast.
3. Socialising Is Very Important To Stay Healthy
Only healthy eating or exercising will not help. You need to meet your friends, relatives, and family on a regular basis. Spending quality time with your favourite people, chit chatting, gossiping and sometimes crying your heart out with them is very important.

Talking, laughing, sharing, and gossiping reduces your stress level. You feel so relaxed and destressed from within when you share your problems with someones or share your happiness with your loved ones. Socializing online is just an addiction when you personally meet someone that is what it means proper socializing.
4. Good Sleep – Good Health
A human being cannot survive for more than 11 days without sleeping, thus it is proved that humans can go longer without food than without sleep. As you grow old you tend to behave like kids, your sleep pattern also changes. Older adults need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, often it is noticed that people who are sleep deprived faces health issues like depression, irritability, memory problems, and increased fall risk.

Our expert advice is to have a proper bedtime schedule so your mind gets used to that schedule and function accordingly. Reduce the consumption of caffeine in your diet, avoid browsing through the net late night, and avoid watching TV during late nights.
5. Occupy Your Brain
As it is rightly said “An Idle Mind Is A Devil’s Workshop”, recent studies have proved that many 65+ aged adults face Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer is very common in the US for the age group above 65.

Our expert advice is you should never stop learning and challenging your brain. Constantly keep your brain active, read books, play a musical instrument, learn an art, attend inspirational lectures and workshops. The smallest activity like solving a simple riddle or puzzle will occupy your brain and it will actively function.
6. Reduce Stress And Anxiety Level
It is not possible to avoid stressful situations completely. We all have to face stress and anxiety level in our day to day activities. The question is how do you cope up with your stress and anxiety levels? There are many techniques to cope up with your stress like practice yoga, meditation, get enough sleep, eat nutritious food, follow a diet, or circular breathing activities also help to cope up with anxiety levels. You can also consult a psychologist in difficult situations. There are many side effects of stress like fatigue, diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, and many more health complications.

Our expert advice is you can take a break from your existing life and rejuvenate yourself. There are many health resorts in India. Go and rejuvenate yourself with health and wellness resorts in India.
7. Take Charge Of Your Life
We can not blame anyone else for our bad health, the person who is fully responsible for the good or bad health is yourselves. Every action taken in your life is your choice, like consuming unhealthy food just to please your taste buds is your choice.
Our expert advice is you should improve your lifestyle and many recommended changes. Consult your dietician, nutritionist or doctor for any further advice.
We have come up with the best dietician and nutritionist in India for your easy reference.
Dieticians cum nutritionist – Anjali Mukherjee, Raksha Changappa, Ishi Khosla, Rujuta Diwekar, Shikha Sharma and there are many more dieticians.
8. Cut Down On Your Alcohol and Smoking Consumption
Too much consumption of alcohol causes many health issues like heart problems, liver cancer, cholesterol problems, and many other health issues. Rigorous smoking habits eventually kills human and you die with many health issues.

Our expert advice is to limit your alcohol and smoking consumption, you can go to some rehab centre to get rid of your alcohol addiction. You can also try wellness programs offered by many institutes and health resorts in the Himalayas.
9. Ayurvedic Medication
You should not leave any medication course midway unless and until you face any side effects of the medicine. Your body needs to get healed and for that, you need to take proper treatment. These days people go for ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurvedic treatment shows results in the long run, you need to be patient to see the effective results if you are going for the ayurvedic treatment.
10. Practice Prevention
Prevention is better than cure, to prevent illness many people follow the strict regime, they opt for a full body check, safety precautions at home, workplace, public place, take vitamin D and calcium shoots regularly, to boost your energy vitamin B12 shots are available in the market. You can consult your doctor before taking any medicines.
Recommended vitamin B12 medicine in India – Vitamin B12, Cyanocobalamin, B-12 dots, etc.
To summarize the article, you should follow the above top 10 recommended easy ways for healthy ageing. If you take a few precautions and improve your lifestyle then definitely you will experience healthy ageing.