No, not everything is lost in the world of keywords. Although it is true that we have recently commented on how its usefulness in improving SEO positioning has been decreasing over time, points can still be earned for Google if they are used with some ingenuity and adapting as much as possible to what the Google search engine asks for. We at Grown Up Digital, the Best SEO company in Bangalore, know how to leverage the LSI Keywords and distribute their density for ranking improvement.
Keyword density doesn’t matter anymore… so much
Google acted seriously against the keyword “boom”; Given the enormous impact that these had on web positioning, some of the techniques that sought to overpopulate content with keywords or duplicate content became fashionable, which were framed within what is now known as Black Hat SEO.
With updates such as the Panda algorithm, many of these practices were terminated and the kewywords lost relevance, but they are still a factor to take into account when positioning. Although not a decisive element, it is recommended to continue using a percentage close to 2% of keywords per content .
The strength of context in SEO
The evolution of search engines has allowed tools such as RankBrain to be able to understand and process language more and more precisely today. With this, the possibilities of these to discern what to index and what not to a certain search, multiply.
Therefore, it is now also necessary for us to understand language better. This is essentially what LSI keywords consist of. Some keywords that, without being a recent advance, have seen their popularity increase in recent years.
Basically, the LSI keywords (from English Latent Semantic Indexing) are nourished by the idea that search engines are already advanced enough to relate words through their meaning or understand a concept through the context in which it is written.
That is, they involve the use of synonyms or the use of similar words or phrases as keywords. This is not only good for search engines, but allows greater flexibility in creating content, not so focused on the insertion of key terms everywhere. In this way, it is possible to achieve a more attractive content for users that is not affected in terms of online positioning.
When you can’t find the words
The good thing about LSI keywords is that they are quite intuitive and come naturally when writing. However, if you get stuck, there are many and very simple options to search for keywords that fit the text and what Google searches for:
- Google Instant Search auto-completes what you type in the search engine, which can give you some ideas on what words to associate with a certain term.
- Related searches from search engines, more of the same: they allow you to know what people usually search for related to a certain word or phrase.
- There are tools on the web that show you the ideal results for a specific search, such as LSI Graph, Twinword SEO plugin or even Google Adwords Keywords planner.
In short, despite the fact that keywords have gone into the b
ackground when compared to the influence they had in the past, they can still be very useful if used with a minimum of ingenuity, all of this also managing to create a text that is more attractive also for the potential reader. An easy way to get a double victory. Also take help of an expert SEO Services in a city like Hyderabad for correct usage of Keywords and LSI’s